Continuing with the Christmas festivities, it was time for some carol singing! On Thursday 17th, we started off singing in Kernow House, the care home, at 6pm. Members sung to the residents, who were happy to hear us, and looking forward to Christmas too. From there, we moved into the town centre, and sung along with Launceston Town Band. From there we went to our presidents house, Tim Bebbington, at Daws House, where we enjoyed mulled apple juice and mince pies. After that, we finished up at Oli Stephens house in Coads Green to enjoy a bring and share supper, and continue with carols.
The following evening, it was the County Carol Service in Truro Cathedral. The cathedral was full as usual, as it is a popular event for parents and other people wishing to support YFC. Several carols were sung, plus some poems and readings from YFC members and the Bishop of Truro. After the service, we went to the Venue nightclub on a holiday park just outside Newquay, to dance away for Christmas

The following evening, it was the County Carol Service in Truro Cathedral. The cathedral was full as usual, as it is a popular event for parents and other people wishing to support YFC. Several carols were sung, plus some poems and readings from YFC members and the Bishop of Truro. After the service, we went to the Venue nightclub on a holiday park just outside Newquay, to dance away for Christmas

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